Poder (Can/Be able to)
REQUEST: e.g. ¿Puedo tener mas? (Can I have more?)
SHARING INFORMATION: e.g. No voy a poder ir hoy. (I won’t be able to go today.)
ASKING QUESTION: e.g. ¿Puedes ir conmigo? (Can you go with me?)
Conjugations in Present Tense
Subject Pronoun |
Present Tense |
Yo (I) |
Puedo (I am able to/can) |
Tu (You) |
Puedes (you are able to/can) |
El/ella (he/she) |
Puede (he/she is able to/can) |
Nosotros (Us) |
Podemos (we are able to/can) |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes (Them/They/You all) |
Pueden (they are able to/can) |
For specific questions or more ideas regarding this core word Activity Sheet, please contact Isabel Medina @ imedina@sfsu.edu. Thank you!
Snack/mealtimes: Students can request a certain snack/meal/object or request for help during mealtimes e.g “¿Puedo tener una servilleta?” (Can I have a napkin?), “¿Puedes abrir mi botella de agua?” (Can you open my water bottle?)

Circle: Adults can model the core word when asking students to help them during circle time or when preparing them for the daily schedule e.g. “¿Puedes agarrar un libro?” (Can you grab a book?), “Despues de circle time, podemos ir afuera” (After circle time, we can go outside).
Toys and Games: Students can engage in a pretend play game of an ice cream/food truck. One students can be the seller and the rest can be buyers and come up to request food items e.g “¿Puedo tener un helado porfavor?” (Can I have an ice cream please?), “Me puedes dar un taco porfavor?” (Can you give me a taco please?).
Recess: Students can use the core word in play outside when requesting help or requesting to play with another e.g “¿Puedes ayudarme?” (Can you help me?), “¿Puedes jugar conmigo?” (Can you play with me?).
Here are some suggested books on YouTube that can assist in teaching the core word:
- Yo Puedo Hacer Cosas Difíciles By Gabi Garcia
- This is a Bilingual English/Spanish video for the book. This book is about tapping into your inner strength and finding the encouragement within yourself to navigate things that can be hard. The core word is used throughout this book e.g. “Puedo pedir ayudar” (I can ask for help), “Puedo intentarlo otra vez” (I can try it again).
- Mi Increible Cuerpo By Pat Thomas
- This a book in Spanish. This book includes the topics of health, exercise, and all the ways we can take care of our bodies and the amazing things they can do. It includes the core word throughout when saying e.g. “Tienes un cerebro que puede pensar más complicado que cualquier computadora” (You have a brain that can do more complicated thinking than any computer).
- Yo Puedo Hacerlo by Maria Jose Ramos
- This a book in Spanish. This book is about Manuel and all the things he can do that his little sister isn’t able to yet. The core word is used throughout the book e.g “Sarita aun no puede alcanzar los juguetes, pero yo si puedo!” (Sarita can’t reach the toys yet, but I sure can!”
Social Interactions: Students can encourage each other during group activities or difficult tasks by saying “Tu puedes!” (You can do it!). Students can also use the core word to ask for permission e.g. “¿Puedo ir al baño? (Can I go to the restroom?).
Video Modeling: Modeling for the word ‘Puedo.’
5 Senses Walk/Caminata con los 5 sentidos: Students can fill out each column with the things they can hear, see, feel, etc, by using their 5 senses in this bilingual English/Spanish activity e.g “Yo puedo oir...” (I can hear...), “Yo puedo oler...” (I can smell...).
Playdough Animal Search: Students can search for different animals within playdough and upon finding one, describe what it can do and the different sounds they make e.g “El leon puede hacer el sonido ‘ROAR!’” (The lion can make the sound ‘ROAR!’).
Sí o No?: Students can use their communication system to answer “Sí”(Yes) or “No” to different questions asked by the adults containing the core word e.g. “¿Puede una jirafa conducir un coche?” (Can a giraffe drive a car?).
"PUEDO..." Spanish Activity: This is an activity in Spanish that involves reading and circling the correct answer to complete each sentence. All of the sentences include the core word ‘Puedo’. For example, “ Con agua puedo...” (With water I can...) and the student would circle the correct answer from the options provided.

Scavenger Hunt: Students can go outside and participate in a Spring Spanish scavenger hunt and look for different items out in nature. This resource includes a list of animals/objects that might be seen. Students can use the core word by pointing out when they see one of the items e.g. “Yo puedo ver una mariposa!” (I can see a butterfly), “Yo puedo ver un arbol” (I can see a tree).
Art activity: Students can create their own rainbow art activity using paper mache of different colors and cotton balls. During activity, adults can model the core word by saying “¿Puedo ayudarte?” (Can I help you?) when a students seems to need help. Students can use the core word when requesting to borrow an art item from a peer or teacher e.g “¿Puedes darme las tijeras?” (Can you give me the scissors?).

FlipHTML5 – Online Book Creator: This is an online book creator that can be changed in the language section to
include Spanish.
My Storybook – Online Book Creator: This is an online book creator in English, you are able to add any text you want
to include Spanish and create a story using the core word.
Book Creator: This website is an online book creator where the user is able to create a story. It is available in Spanish.
WORD WALL: Create a WordWall and add ‘Poder’ to the list.
READING and the Word Wall: Sound out the letters together. Have the students find the word on the AAC system.
WRITING and the Word Wall: Using a pencil or alternative pencil, have students try to type the word on the keyboard or write the word together.
Choosing Words for the Classroom Word Wall with Dr. Caroline Musselwhite Video. Courtesy of Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium.