ASK A QUESTION: e.g. ¿Cuándo vas a ir a la playa? (When are you going to the beach?)
INSTRUCTIONS: e.g. Cuando acabes de limpiar, puedes jugar (When you are done cleaning up, you can play.)
SOCIAL: e.g. ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? (When is your birthday?)
CLARIFICATION: e.g. ¿Cuándo vamos a llegar? (When are we going to get there?)
For specific questions or more ideas regarding this core word activity sheet, please contact Isabel Medina @ Thank you!
Snack/mealtimes: Students can use the core word during mealtime to ask ‘When’ they will eat or ‘When’ the food will be ready e.g. “Cuándo va a estar lista la comida?” (When will the food be ready?), “Cuándo es hora de snak?” (When is it snack time?)
Circle: Adults can use the core word when meeting about the birthdays of each month in the classroom e.g “Cuándo es el cumpleaños de ___” (When is ____’s birthday?) and discuss the different days of the month and days of the week.
![chocolate birthday cake](/sites/default/files/images/cuando%20-%20routines%20and%20schedules.png)
Game: Adults/Students can lead a game of “Luz Roja, Luz Verde” (Red Light, Green Light). When explaining the game they can say “Cuando escuchas luz roja, tienes que parar” (When you hear red light, you have to stop) and “Cuando escuchas luz verde, corre” (When you hear green light, run) etc.
Recess: During recess, students can use the core word when asking when others will be done playing with a certain toy/activity, when asking others to play, and when stating their plan for play e.g. “¿Cuándo vas a terminar de jugar con la pelota? (When will you be done playing with the ball?), “Cuando termines de jugar con él, ¿quieres jugar conmigo?” (When you are done playing with him, do you want to play with me?), and “Cuando termine de correr voy a tomar agua” (When I am done running, I am going to drink water).
Here are some suggested books on YouTube that can assist in teaching the core word:
- I Like It When...Me Gusta Cuando By Mary Murphy
- This is a bilingual book in English/Spanish that follows a child describing all the fun things and things they like about their parent penguin. The book uses the core word on every page to describe what the penguin enjoys doing with their parent.
- Cuando Sofia de enoja, se enoja de veras By Molly Bang
- This is a book in Spanish about a girl named Sofia and how she copes with the emotion of anger. It uses the core word in the title and in the story to describe the moment Sofia gets upset. The story is a great lesson on coping with sharing toys and difficult emotions.
- Cuando sea mayor sere…By Combel Editorial
- This is a book in Spanish that includes different children discussing what they want to be when they grow up. It includes many different professions and the relationship between the type of work that people do and the benefits that work brings to the community.
- Cuando estoy contento By Trace Moroney
- o This book is in Spanish and is about a bunny who shares all the things they like to do when they are happy and the things that make them happy. It is a great book to discuss emotions and feelings.
Social Interactions: During the school day, students can use the core word during social interactions when asking each other when they can have a turn with a toy/game e.g. “¿Cuándo va a ser mi turno de jugar con los Legos?” (When will it be my turn to play with the legos?), “Cuando termines de jugar, ¿puedo tener un turno?” (When you are done playing, can I have a turn?). Students can also use the core word when inviting others to play, “¿Cuándo quieres jugar?” (When do you want to play?).
Video Modeling Resource:
Adults can create a sensory bin that includes pieces of papers with the different activities for the day/week/month/ and the time they are at. Students can take turns picking them out of the bin and can ask each other or an adult can model depending on which paper the student picked e.g, “¿Cuándo es hora de lonche?” (When is it lunch time) and then the student would respond with the time on the paper.
This is a bilingual Spanish/English resource with examples for a daily schedule.
Cuando sea grande...: Adults can lead an activity surrounding different community helpers/professions and the students can complete worksheet and drawing of what they would like to be when they grow up. Students can use the core word to say “Cuando sea grande quiero ser...” (When I grow up I want to be...). Both resources below are in English and Spanish.
![image of little girl titled Cuando Ella Se Enoja](/sites/default/files/images/cuando%20-%20structured%20activities.png)
Adults can introduce this structured activity to go along with the book “Cuando Sofia se enoja, se enoja de veras”. This activity in Spanish, contains different activity sheets to go along with story and follow the sequence of events e.g. ¿Cuándo pasó esto? (When did this happen?), as well as sheets to discuss emotions and strategies to calm and relax e.g. “Cuando yo me enojo me veo así…Para calmarme y relajarme yo puedo…” (When I am mad I look like this…to relax and calm down, I can…).
“Cuando hace frio...” (When it is cold...) Art activity: Adults can create an activity surrounding this video in Spanish about the seasons of the year and ask questions such as “¿Cuándo hace frio?” (When is it cold?) “¿Cuándo hace calor?” (When is it hot?).
Then, students can participate in this activity by cutting/pasting and sorting the clothes according to the appropriate season. Students and adults can use the core word throughout by saying e.g. “Cuando hace frio, te pones una chamarra” (When it is cold, you wear a jacket) or when needing clarification/modeling e.g. “¿Cuándo te pones sandalias? (When do you wear sandals?).
![cut out drawings of different clothing items](/sites/default/files/images/cuando%20-%20art%20or%20science%20activities.png)
Holiday Calendar activity, “¿Cuándo es...?” (When is...?): Students can create a handprint calendar for each month depending on a holiday they are assigned. Each student can create their own pages and ask each other “¿Cuándo es tu día festivo?” (When is your holiday?) or “¿Cuándo es el Dia De Los Muertos?” (When is Day Of The Dead?), etc.
The following links contain resources for different holiday ideas including different Latin American holidays as well as traditional American holidays.
![image of paintings made with handprints](/sites/default/files/images/cuando%20-%20art%20or%20science%20activities%20%282%29.png)
FlipHTML5 – Online Book Creator: This is an online book creator that can be changed in the language section to include Spanish. A story topic could be about ‘Cuando seas grande’(When you grow up) or about the seasons or weather, e.g. ‘¿Cuándo es el invierno?’ (When is winter time?).
My Storybook – Online Book Creator: This is an online book creator in English, you are able to add any text you want to include Spanish and create a story using the core word. A story topic could be about ‘Cuando seas grande’(When you grow up) or about the seasons or weather, e.g. ‘Cuándo es el invierno’ (When is winter time?).
WORD WALL: Create a Word Wall and add ‘Cuando’ to the list.
READING and the Word Wall: Sound out the letters together. Have the students find the word on the AAC system.
WRITING and the Word Wall: Using a pencil or alternative pencil, have students try to type the word on the keyboard or write the word together.
Choosing Words for the Classroom Word Wall with Dr. Caroline Musselwhite Video Courtesy of Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium.