Ahí/Allí (There)

Difference between both terms:


Right there


Over there


SEEK INFORMATION: e.g., ¿Hay muchas personas ahí? (Are there lots of people there?)

GIVE INSTRUCTIONS: e.g., Pon la pieza ahí. (Put the piece there.)

DESCRIBE: e.g., Oh, Allí esta mi chamarra! (Oh, there is my jacket!)

ASK QUESTIONS: e.g.,  Que hora es allí? (What time is it there?)

This activity sheet was adapted from the School Year of Core Words activities for “There” by Abigail Duarte @ aduarte3@mail.sfsu.edu. For specific questions or more ideas regarding this core word activity sheet, please contact Isabel Medina @ imedina@sfsu.edu.  Thank you!

Snack/mealtimes: Students can tell adults where they would like to sit during snack/mealtimes e.g. “Quiero sentarme ahí” (I want to sit there) or ask “Puedo sentarme ahí?” (Can I sit there?)

Students can indicate which items of food or snack they want “Quiero el que esta allí” (I want the ones that is there) when pointing to item. 

Transitions: Adults can model the core word during transitions from one activity to another when instructing students to clean up e.g. “Pon eso ahí” (Put that there), “Esa pelota va allí” (That ball goes over there).

Games: Students can play a game of ‘Hide and Seek’ (Al Escondite) in a small group. One student is ‘it’ and counts to 15 and waits for the others to hide. When the student who is ‘it’ finds the others, they can say e.g. “Ahí estas!” (There you are!) or “El/ella esta allí!” (He/She is there!). 

Social Interaction:

Students can bring something to share with other students during a group sharing activity. Students can name each object and who it belongs to using the core word e.g. “El carro esta ahí” (The car is there), “Allí esta el carro de XX” (There is XX’s car).

Video Modeling:

Watch this video beginning at minute 1:30.

Movement Break: Students can participate in a movement break activity that has a different movement at different stations. Adults can model the core word by instructing students e.g., “Allí hacemos jumping jacks” (There we do jumping jacks).

Sensory Counting Bags: Student can make sensory counting bags containing hair gel and any object they would like to count. Students can use the core word to describe how many objects are in each area e.g. “Ahí hay tres dulces” (There are three candies there).

a colorful sensory activity for students

Places You’ve Gone: Adults can put together an activity on places students have been before, traveled to, or want to travel to. Adults or students can prepare photos of different places. Students can indicate if they have been to that place or not by selecting from two pictures or by going and indicating which they have been to e.g. “Yo fui ahí” (I went there), “No he ido ahí, pero quiero ir” (I have not been there, but I want to go).

The Apple Pie (Short Story): Adults can lead students through this short story worksheet in Spanish that includes instructions and tips in English. The core word is targeted throughout the short story when describing where each ingredient is located in the home.

a picture of a child asking another child for sugar

Nature Scavenger Hunt: This activity is both in Spanish and English. Students can go on a nature scavenger hunt outside and look for the different objects indicated and can use their communication systems as they go along to say e.g. “Allí esta ___!” (There is the ___!) or “El arbol esta ahí!” (The tree is there!).

Time Zones: Students can create their own clock using art supplies according to an assigned time zone. When competed, students can go around to peers’ clocks and ask questions such as e.g. “¿Qué hora es allí? (What time is it there?).

a clock made with a paper plate

FlipHTML5 – Online Book Creator:This is an online book creator that can be changed in the language section to include Spanish. Adults can create a book around the topic of a farm and what there is on a farm. “Ahí hay perros, gallinas, etc.” (There are dogs, chickens, etc there”).

My Storybook – Online Book Creator: This is an online book creator in English. You are able to add any text you want to include Spanish and create a story using the core word.  Adults can create a book on the topic of a scavenger hunt and what there was found e.g., “Encontramos el tesoro ahí!” (We found treasure there!).

Book Creator: This website is an online book creator where the user is able to create a story. It is available in Spanish. Adults can create a book on the topic of shopping and what there was at the store e.g. “Allí están las manzanas” (The apples are over there.)   

WORD WALL:  Create a WordWall and add ‘Ahí’ and ‘Allí’ to the list.

READING and the Word Wall: Sound out the letters together. Have the students find the word on the AAC system.

WRITING and the Word Wall: Using a pencil or alternative pencil, have students try to type the word on the keyboard or write the word together.